Saturday, 2024-12-14

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Guard Room
Next to the Neo-Gothic hall and connected to it by an old arched door brought to light after the recent renovations which will highlight in the past used as a fireplace (and wall), has an old four-century vaulted ceiling "dome" with brick face-to-view recently restored to its original. The hall, originally intended to guard the castle, which alternated in controlling the inputs to the castle, still has a small door, also overlooking the ancient village. This room is memorable for the absolutely dominant presence of a sculpture of Christ in olive wood aged at the End of the Fourteenth century (1300!), an extraordinary and exciting example of devotional art of the Umbrian late Gothic period. This is a jewel belonging to the private collection of Count Morsiani. Great visual and secure impact give also the very rare Large Monastry Case always of the Fourteenth century  and of Umbrian school.
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Last Updated on Friday, 24 August 2018 17:35